
Guest Lecture - Akshat Shahjade

  In the Going further stage of the inquiry cycle a guest lecture was arranged on disaster management by Akshat Shahjade, a senior student from MYP. After listening to him, they got to know about the role of humans in managing natural disasters and how it can be controlled in a Secure way. Like for floods- save more soil areas so the soil could absorb the water, For droughts- don’t make dams. They used 3-2-1 strategy to reflect on the guest lecture. Through the guest lecture their knowledge was enhanced on disaster management and he left them all motivated to take some actions either personally or in a group.

Diving deep into the inquiry

                        “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” Mahatma Gandhi To understand the essence of this quote students further explored various aspects of man made world and its impact on nature. They researched further to know the negative impacts caused by humans which harms the  nature .So the students were divided their research being- Technocrats Disaster managers Energy Guardians      Green Samaritans

Exploring the Natural World

After framing up central ideas and lines of Inquiry, our learner’s set on their journey to explore the issue Man vs Nature. In order to have a better understanding, they studied in depth and explored our natural world more. Our learner’s geared up to identify the different components of our environment and how these components are interrelated and interact with each other for sustaining life on our Planet.   Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×  

Natural World vs Human Made World

Exploring the Natural world gave our learner’s an understanding of  how humans are deriving their needs from nature. They are dependent on their environment.  The interaction between human beings and environment is a continuous process. Humans developed new methods and technologies to changed the environment as per their need.  Natural resources like wood, minerals, water, air are precious and essential for survival. If we do not use them wisely, we may run out of them one day. We should think about our future generations.  If we use the sources provided by environment wisely, we can establish a healthy balance.  We should use our resources wisely and learn to conserve them.   Hence this understand ing lead to the journey of our second Line of inquiry i.e. The tale of two world.  Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×


The IBPYP exhibition is student-led, and throughout the exhibition period, we should allow children to promote their inquiries. After going through a comprehensive study about our natural world and it’s components, learner’s conceptual understanding was evaluated . For their first formative learner’s understanding was checked through Blooms Taxonomy. They were given the agency to set up their own criteria’s to assess themselves in the entire assessment process. Learner’s enjoyed setting up the criteria’s and demonstrated thorough understanding of the taught concepts. Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

T - chart strategy

L earners were shown Steve Cutts animated video  created in Flash and the After Effects looking at mans relationship with the natural world. They discussed and came up with We feel it now..... We ignore the dark reality We don't care about the animals We eat them We make the world just like your mine craft creative mode world We killed them This made them feel sad about the everyday things they do in their life. After that they were asked to compare and s hare their understanding of Man made world vs Natural world through T - chart strategy. They f ocused and used  Thinking Skills (Critical Thinking)

Guest Lecture- Physics Expert Ms Pritha Rathi

  An informative and enlightening Guest Lecture by Ms. Pritha Rathi made the young learners day. She with simple examples from day to day life gave the learners an insightful and in depth knowledge about force and energy concepts. She interacted with our young learners and enrich their understanding of about the application of Scientific principles in everyday life.  They then reflected on their learning through 3-2-1 strategy.

Framing of LOI's

After framing of central idea learners worked on the concept questions and concepts to be targeted probably for the lines of inquiry.   They focused on the following criteria which provided a basis for authentic and meaningful discussion.  ☐ Develops an understanding of the CI ☐Is written as a statement or phrase (not a question, topic, or task)  ☐Connects to the designated transdisciplinary theme ☐Develops conceptual understanding (key concepts & related concepts) ☐Develops student understanding through multiple perspectives  ☐Define the scope of the inquiry  ☐Help to focus student research  ☐Are distinctive yet connected to one another   Having the students discuss these open ended, yet vitally important ideas, not only gave them ownership over the process, it encouraged them to articulate and extend their current understanding of the concepts embedded in the transdisciplinary theme, listen to different perspectives and come to an agreed upon statement.

Framing of Central Idea

            Constructing the Central Idea with the peers and mentors  was an amazing experience for the learners.  After  analyzing the diamond ranking as well as the theme description the learners started working towards the framing of central idea. They discussed the key words and shared their thoughts in groups and came up with various central ideas. After receiving support from the facilitators who were circulating and observing the group activities, students came up with more concrete and plausible central ideas in their groups.  Subsequently, by using phrases from different groups, one central idea was finalised.  Central Idea: Interaction between humans and nature leads to creation of a better world The central idea they selected was sufficient in scope and significance to warrant a detailed investigation . It  can benefit the learner in meaningful and effective ways within the inquiry process. 


After brainstorming on different issues and its connection with theme descriptors that they wanted to explore, learners  sorted out the issues according to the order of importance, using the 'Diamond Ranking' model. The issue was consesually finalized as 'MAN Vs. NATURE'  Further using the 'Concentric Circle' strategy the curious minds looked for significance of issue locally and globally. They found the connection of issue with themselves, their family, school, local community, nation and the world. This strategy enhanced their critical thinking skills as they analysed, evaluated and shared their thoughts. They proved to be thinkers too.